Coven Christmas Special
These are the Legendary Figures that the characters you choose will turn into, yes some of them aren't exactly Christmasy but if you've watched The Santa Clause 2 & 3 you'll see they're involved. Santa Clause-Available Mrs. Clause-Available Mother Nature-Available Snow Queen-Available Fa...
Darkshadow Cat
Fourth of July Party
This is the rp for the coven members. You play your regular characters. Enjoy! -- Edited by Phantom Cat on Saturday 4th of July 2009 05:27:05 PM
Phantom Cat
Beauty & the Beast
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This rp is loosely based on the disney version of beauty & the beast. These are the forms; Name: , Age: , Personality: , Appeaerance(a character from the pic below): Pics: Belle Beast Mrs. Pots This is my form; Name: Beast, Age: 15, Personality: withdrawn, doesn't get close to an...
Darkshadow Cat
The Lost Werecat
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Okay this rp is about a werecat who lives on his own in the woods. He can't speak english & knows very little about things regular people do. This is his form; Name: (up to you), Age: 13, Personality: generally friendly, playful, curious, afraid of water & dogs, loud noises, loves playing with...
Darkshadow Cat
Next Generation
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This rp is like the xmen movies, the characters have "special" powers. Name: Greg, Age: 14, Personality: somewhat emo, rarely talks to any one, plays guitar. Power(s): manipulation of fire & absorb pain from some one else, Description: dangerously thin, doesn't like being in the s...
Darkshadow Cat
1 2 3 4 5 … 6
Roleplay Time!! A long time ago in the 18th century there lived five friends. They weren't normal kids each could manipulate either Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, or Spirit. They were not allowed to show off their powers and they worked for Queen Avery. Queen Avery was the ruler of Everlend the kingdom on t...
Ivy Thorn
The Coven School Halloween Party
This is the rp for the coven memebers. You play your regular characters with costumes of your choice. Enjoy!
Darkshadow Cat