OOC:k IC: Jacob looked even smaller when he was curled up.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob slowly opened his eyes & saw Charlie's feet walk by. He stretched & quietly got off the cushion trying not to wake Grassway.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob quietly followed Charlie but stopped at the stairs.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob blinked afew times then tried standing up. He nearly fell but managed to stand.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's ear twitched, he slowly took a step but looked as though he might fall.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"If you keep trying you'll get it"she said to him. "I'm going to let go now."she said and slowly dropped her arms but was ready incase he started to fall
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob slowly fell to his hunches, he looked up at Charlie.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie went ot the room at the end of the hallway and closed the door for a moment before coming back out with a cup,fork,napkin,spoon,knife,and plate.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
She then walked back down the stairs grabbing a dinner tray from one of the stacks that she used as a desk sometimes. See sat it down infront of Jacob's pillow and sat the eatingwear on the ground. She motioned for him to take a seat
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
She snapped ehr fingers then ran up the stairs and came back down with a sammi with and milk. She held them both and "Milk. Cup? Spoon? Fork? Knife? Plate? Napkin?"She hled up the carton of milk. She had the small ones like from a school because only Grassway drank it.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob stared at the items unsure of what he should do.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie mentally slapped her forehead. "Right sorry. Okay MIlk. You drink milk with a cup." She held up the cup and the milk. She opened the milk and poured it into a cup. "See"she told him. "Milk.Cup."
OOC: I am so not good at this XD
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: lol IC:Jacob's right ear perked up as if to show he understood.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Okay"she said "I'm not very good at this."she said and blushed alittle bit before going on. "Okay so can you say Milk?"she asked him after sounding it out.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob seemed to struggle abit, "M...mil..milreow." He covered his mouth in embarassment.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie didn't laugh at him it wasn't his fault. She reached out for his hand and held iti n hers gently so he couldn't cover his mouth. "Don't worry I wont laugh"she whispered. "If you don't want to then we don't have to work on it. You cna even leave if you want but I don't want you to."she said hoping some of what she said would soak in.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob looked at his hand in Charlie's, he blinked afew times. He rubbed his head against her shoulder showing his affection.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie blushed a bright pink and did all she could not to through him away from her and huddle in a corner. She wasn't a people person by anymeans and didn't do good around them.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob sensed that Charlie didn't like what he was doing & back away abit letting go of her hand. His ear pressed against his head, an almost fearful expression on his face.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Oh no i'm sorry. i'm just not used to people close or even around me. It's not you it's me (classic xD)"she said and then put her head down."I didn't mean to I'm sorry"she palyed with her fingers.
OOC; if he was around Ivy he would ahve learn either Sorry or Okay more than likely sorry
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: yep OOC: Jacob was obviously used to people being angry with him by the way he acted. He slowly inched forward toward Charlie.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob meowed, he waited to see what she wanted him to do next.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Okay this my friend is a Sammi or Sandwich as it is properly called."She picked up the sandwich"This is a plate you put the sammi on a plate"she told him
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's ears perked up, he reached out & took the sandwich. He looked at Charlie to make sure it was okay to eat it.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob tilted his head & took the napkin. He wiped his hands on it.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob looked at the letters writen on the piece of paper. "Ja..Jac-cob..." he struggled to say his name.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob pressed his ears flat in concentration. "Jac-cob....Jacob."
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"C-c....at...cat." Jacob looked pleased with himself.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"very good"she smiled and then pointed at the next word. "Okay this is my name. I don't expect you to get it but if you do that's great. Charlie"she said it slowly
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob stared at the word for a minute. "Char...l-lie......Charlie." he said slowly.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/