Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Jacob smiled & meowed happily chasing the leaves on the ground. Three kids around Jacob's age walked by. Jacob smiled them "H-hello." the kids stared at Jacob & ran away. Jacob's smiled faded & his ears drooped, he slowly walked over to Charlie. "Wh-why..won't they...p-play" sadness wavering in his small voice.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: