OOC: Those are pretty :3 IC: Datyn finished & went outside his dorm.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
OOC: Lol ^^ IC: Datyn waited outside the party for the girls.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Blake and Scottie showed up looking beautiful as always and turning heads on their way. When Blake saw Datyn she laughed and said "Looks like you're puppy is here to see you." Scottie rolled her eyes and laughed "It's better than Nathan." Nathan was waiting for Blake next to Datyn and when he saw Blake he walked over and took her from Scottie and whicked her away.
"Well well look who it is" Scottie said stopping infront of Datyn her weight shifted to her left side.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
"You didn't think I'd leave you to all the jackals around here did you?" Datyn asked smirking.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn shrugged, "In that case." He turned to leave.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn smirked abit & turned around raising an eyebrow.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Look don't make me say it again. Please."she had a pink tint to her cheeks and she wasn't looking at him. Little things embarrassed Scottie and this was almost too much. (She's so odd. lol.)
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Datyn made a short laugh & walked up to her offering a small smile. (lol)
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn gently took her hand & carefully lead her to the party.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn tried his best to be as gentleman as possible.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Boring?" Datyn creased his eyebrows, "How can this be boring?" He gesture to himself in a suit.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"You seem like you're trying to be what you think I want you to be."she said. Scottie was so tired of all the super mature guys who she seemed to find all around her. All she wanted was somebody to have fun with and who makes her laugh. "This mature 'gentleman' you have morphed into is not the guy I played soccer with earlier."
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
"I am not mature!" Datyn thought about his words for a moment, "Wait a minute.."
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Scottie laughed and said "Let's go down to the lake. I'm tired of this." Taking his hand she led him out of the party and towards the trail leading to the lake.
OOC: I'm going to take my laptop and see if I can hook it up over there.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Datyn followed her without resistance. OOC: Okay :)
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"I'd rather not." Datyn smiled abit sitting down next to her.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Washington, it was too crowded for my parents." Datyn explained.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"So they moved to a island with a population of like 500 thousand?" Scottie asked him finding pebbles that were the same shape and putting them in a pile.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Datyn shrugged, "I think they're reasoning is warped."
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn laughed abit, "I guess they like they like the scenery here better of something."
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn shrugged & looked at her still smiling abit.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Nothing." Datyn shrugged, "Just noticing how the light reflected on the water makes your skin sparkle." He gave a genuine smile.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Sorry.." Datyn said quietly with a somewhat shy smile.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Datyn furrowed his eyebrows abit & listened unsure if he had done a bad thing.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Maybe I should..leave you alone.." Datyn whispered thinking that he had offended Scottie.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/