Jacob slowly got into the bath & suprisingly enjoyed it.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob watched the bubbles that the fragrent soap made. He smiled enthusiastically & added more soap.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob came out wearing the new clothes. Afew bubbles still remained in his hair.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Silly" she said "You have to get the bubbles out" She told him and then went back to the bathroom. "Let me help you. Lean your ehad over the side or the bath tub and I'll get it out. Keep you eyes and mouth shut."
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob closed his eyes & mouth. He leaned over the tub.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
She cut on the shower head and made sure it was the right temp before pulling the shower head down and ran her fingers htrough his hair rinsing out the soap.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob gave a throaty purr, Charlie running her fingers through his hair felt soothing to him.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie laughed a bit and continued running her fingers through his hair until all the soap was out and then cut off the water and put the shower head back. She grabbed a towel and started drying his hair carefully. Once it was just damp she got up and put the towel on the door.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob looked at Charlie with his big eyes, as if asking why she stopped.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
"Do yu like it when I play with your hair?"She asked looking through the draws to find a new brush that she had never used. She always used ehr orange on. This one was greena nd she motioned for him to follow her
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob purred, one ear was up & the other was drooping down.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
When Charlie finished Jacob lift his hand & felt his hair. He smiled.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob turned & looked at Charlie. "Yes!" he said enthusiastically.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's hair came close to covering his eyes now that it was brushed.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob thought for a moment, he went back to the bathroom & dug something out of his old pant pocket. He came back & opened his hand infront of Charlie, in his hand was a little mouse toy.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's ears perked up & he lightly batted at the mouse.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's eyes narrowed & he lowered on his hunches. He batted playfully at the mouse.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob's tail swished playfully behind him as rolled over on his back & continued batting at it.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie dropped to the ground suddenly holding her stomache. She closed her eyes and felt something poke her bottom lip. She knew what was happening nad she had to get Jacob away.
Grassway saw her drop and ran to Jacob "Start running to the forest and make sure you hide your scent. "Go run now hurry"she said pushing him as hard as she could to get him up "I'll get you soon."
Charlie was trying to recover but the pain was intense Jacob had to get out of there soon.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob's ears pressed flat against his head, he ran out the door towards his cave.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Normally Grassway would have stayed with erh but this time she was worse. Grassway knew better than to stay she ran out the door after Jacob.
Charlie heard s drop of blood hit the floor from where he fangs had poked ehr bottom lip. Soon the pain was over and she had a quick intake of breathe. She opened ehr eyes which were now pitch black and she got up with her usual grace and then almost drifted out the door. Once she touched the forest floor she paused and she could hear ever heat beat within a 5 miles of her. She heard a large one and went after it. She heard the sound of feet hitting ground followed by four small paws after it. It was Jacob and Grassway but she couldn't understand in this form. She was only half vampire but somehow her other half had taken over and she instantly remembered why. It was ehr 18th birthday and she had assended when ever morning came she would snap out of it or stay the same for the rest of her life. If she killed someone then she was doomed, if she ingured someone her bloodlust would be worse than before but if everything went without a hitch she would return to normal.
OOC: Sorry its long
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: np IC: Jacob tripped & fell flat on his stomach. He quickly got up & started running again despite his hurt hand.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie was on them and she could smell and hear the blood pumping through jacob's veins. SHe smield to herself and then dissappeared as she ran off the path and started running about a mile to the left to them.
Grassway was trying to think quickly. SHe knew what was happening and she yelled at Jacob. "We can't go to your house. She will kill you we must head towards the East Forest and hope somehting will cross our paths and hopefull ingage her in combat. If she is busy then we can get away for now. We have to make it till 6 in the morning right now it's about 10. Which means we have to keep going for 8 hours. Shes playing with us right now if she wanted youfdead you would be dead she is gong to play with you until you are begging for death and then she will more than likely leave you with just barely enough to life to keep breathing."she hissed changing direction.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob didn't understand eveything Grassway had said but he knew he need to follow her. He ran after Grassway, tripping every once in a while.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
OOC: Just to let you know she can drink all of his blood because she will become comsumed and her need for blood will kill her because she will never be able to quinch it. Thats what it ment but if she killed someone
Grassway started sprinting trusting Jacob to keep up with her. She evened ehr breathing so she could keep up the pace.
Charlie heard Grassway and then sped up now actually trying to run. She was barely able to be seen now. She was right beside Jacoba nd she laughed then went to the other side and whispered "Don't trip" her poetic voice had gone replaced by a cold haunting voice that hung in the air
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob shivered as he looked up at Charlie. He couldn't make a sound, he got up & ran passed her.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie laughed again and kept running. She blended well with the night. She sped past them about 5 miles and climbed into a tree to wait for them. She was acting like a little kid this was all a game to her. She hung upside down
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob had started crying as he ran. This seemed very familiar to him.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Jacob clenched his mouth closed, he knew why this seemed so familiar. His parents had been running with him from a flock of vampires.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie saw them and then hoped down infront of Grassway. Grassway skidded to a stop and then looked back at Jacob. "Run"she breathed. "Yes please do" Charlie said she grabbed up the cat.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob tripped again & hurt his right hand. "MEOW!!" he sniffed & looked up at Charlie with his big eyes.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/
Charlie through down the cat and ran after Jacob. A flash of the old Charlie showed adn then it was gone as suddenly as it had come. Charlie ran her first to fingers across his neck and felt the pulse of blood. She licked ehr lips and then smiled showing her teeh as they grew into fangs.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Jacob's eyes shined with tears about to fall, he held his right hand up slightly like a paw. "Charlie?" he said in a pained voice.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site: http://creaturesofthenight.activeboard.com/