Rules! -------- * No swearing * No dying * Please try and post two lines or more*
Plot ------ In Rising Tide the two prides fight for control in modern day London. During the day the two prides have normal lives but at night they fight for control of their city and their prides. With pride members missing and londoner's turnign up dead who's side will you be on. Your pride's or Their's.
Pride of the Rising Storm
King; (1)
Queen; Elizabeth Topaz
Princess;(doesn't matter) Luna Topaz
Prince; (doesn't matter)
Doctor; (1)
Guards; (doesn't matter) Nolan Zander
Cubs; (3)
-- Edited by Ivy Thorn on Tuesday 23rd of June 2009 07:37:10 PM
-- Edited by Ivy Thorn on Tuesday 23rd of June 2009 08:27:31 PM
-- Edited by Ivy Thorn on Tuesday 23rd of June 2009 08:27:52 PM
-- Edited by Ivy Thorn on Wednesday 24th of June 2009 12:46:51 AM
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
During the day you are a regular person but at night you are a big cat.
Name: Age: (Cubs= under the age of 12 Guards= 13+) Gender: Personality: (If you want) Description: (Try to use a picture but you don't have to) Rank: (Cub, Doctor, Prince/ss, King, Queen, Guard) What type of big cat are you?: Description: Picture:
Name: Nolan Zander Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Normally quiet, sarcastic when talking to someone, won't get close to anyone unless the prove he can trust them, secretive, almost emo sometimes, is very flexible & acrobatic. Description: Rank: Guard What type of big cat are you?: Cougar Picture:
Name: Nolan Zander Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Normally quiet, sarcastic when talking to someone, won't get close to anyone unless the prove he can trust them, secretive, almost emo sometimes, is very flexible & acrobatic. Description: Rank: Guard What type of big cat are you?: Cougar Picture:
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
OOC: it's okay u can make a roleplay whenever u want as long as u keep down to three open rp's per person at a time. so ur fine, it's sounds like fun :)
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
OOC: Okay well let's start. It's almost time for them to meet up at the hideout.
Hideout: (To see pictures of the mansion type in Carson Mansion in google image) The hideout is all the tunnels under London. Our pride has claimed them and they all lead to the old Topaz Mansion. At about 5 or 6 they all head for one of the entrance tunnels and hurry to the mansion to make plans chill out or what ever it is you want to do. The reason they take tunnels is so no one can trace them back to the Topaz's mansion.
As the old clock chimmed five Luna excused herself from the table and headed up the stairs towards her room. Moving to her closet she took off her elegant looking dress and slipped into something different. Even though it was modern day the Topaz family still followed some of the old traditions from the pride. Like the elegant dresses for each meal, tea time, good mannors and such. Slipping into black skinny jeans and a beautiful blue blouse she let her hair down and fixed her make up. Putting on her black shoes she headed to the sitting room to wait for the other.
Elizabeth waited till her human friends had left and she finished her tea before getting up and heading to her room.
Ian closed his books shut as the last bell rang. He put his things into his back pack and sighed. "Just three more months and we'll be out of here."he said to the blonde girl he was currently talking to.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan made a bored sound as he got out of detention, he had been listening to his demos in class & the teacher found out. He was sent to detention & now he just got out, he didn't really care besides the fact he was bored to tears in there. He went to his locker, got out his cd's & loaded his pack with them.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
OOC: Since he is19 he can be in college but he doesn't have to be in school/ I but Ian in school because he is 16. Unless he failed
IC: Ian finished flirting with the blond and left for the sandwich shop on Cobbler Street. Going into the store he ordered his normal and then went to the bathroom. The shop owner was friends with Elizabeth and she was also a spy for their pride. Coming out he grabbed the sandwich and dissapeared in the back. opening what looked like a huge antique oven he headed towards the Topaz mansion.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: i think i'll say nolan failed & he's still in school but only for alittle longer IC: Nolan threw his pack in the back of his car & slid in thru the window to the driver's seat. It was the only way to get into the driver's side of the car because the door stuck. He turned the keys & drove down the road. OOC: should he go 2 the topaz mansion?
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
OOC: Ian is using the Cobbler Street sandwich shop's entrance tunnel but youc an make one up anywhere.
Ian put the sanwiches into his messenger bag as he sprinted towards the Topaz Mansion. Once he got to the ancient topaz and gold door marked with the Pride crest he made himself decent and opened it. The entrance doors only opened to those it regonized as members of the pride or one of their allies. Whistling he made his way to the sitting room. When he arrived he bowed and put one fist to his heart and the other behind him. "Greetings Lady Luna"he said and got up smiling at her. "Greeting Ian" she said coming over to hug him. "Did you get it?"she asked looking at bag.
"Your sandwich or the message?"he asked
"Ian you know what I mean"she said reaching towards his bag.
"Now now Lady one must always present herself acordingly."he teased her and handed her a brown paper bag and a letter with the Pride crest sealing it.
Kissing Ian on the cheek she put her sandwich on the table and said "Make yourself at home I'll be back in a moment." Ian was like a brother to Luna.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nikko grabbed his pack & walked into an abandoned warehouse, he dropped down into a tunnel hidden by a crate. He walked until he found a door with the Pride crest & opened it. He saw Ian but said nothing & dropped his pack on the floor after closing the door.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
"Nolan" Ian said greeting him in the traditional way. "Luna will be back soon." Sitting back dow he started eating his sandwich as he waited for Luna to return.
When Luna returned she had a solem look on her face but she smiled at Nolan and greeted him before sitting down beside Ian. She said nothing but instead started eating.
-- Edited by Ivy Thorn on Wednesday 24th of June 2009 01:19:33 AM
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan gave Luna small nod in greeting & slumped down with his pack beneath his head. He said pretty much silent because he never really was in a very social mood. He just kept to himself & put on his earphones to listen to his music.
-- Edited by Darkshadow Cat on Wednesday 24th of June 2009 01:23:56 AM
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Luna Didn't finished her sandiwch instead she slumped which was very unusual for a Topaz.
Ian finished his sandwich and then worked on trying to comfort Luna.
Soon A tall slender olive toned woman appeared at the top of the stair case in a beautiful golden dress wearing the famed topaz necklace. Elizabeth always wore her dresses unless she was going into battle or forced outside the mansion walls.
Every member who had gathered inside the mansion stood at attention including Luna who walked towards her mother. A senior guard was beside Elizabeth adn he walked beside her to her regular chair. Luna sat back down on the couch next to Ian as the guard took his seat beside the queen. The other chair empty as it has been for nine years.
"As we all know times are hard for the pride and it is just getting worse. The Craven's are getting stronger. They have taken to letting in mixed breeds and I have heard word trying to make our kind in a lab."she told them.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan listened & watched silently with an almost dull look but that was normal for him. He sat up abit tho to show alittle respect & so Elizabeth wouldn't get on him. He had enough of that at school & he hated it, he was more of a rebel than anything.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Elizabeth said some more things about it and then said "As we all know my first son Hunter was taken by the Craven guards on his way home from college well we have word that he has escaped. That doesn't mean he is alive nor does it mean he is dead. All we can do now is wait and hope for his safe return. "Now Luna you had something you wanted to say." she said looking at her daughter.
Straightening up Luna rose and stood to adress her pride. "I have heard a rumor that they are also missing a female prisoner. If I know Hunter he will make it back alive."she went on to say more things. "Now I need my senior guards to go with my mother and the rest of you follow me. We have serious work to do"she said turning and headed up the stairs.
OOC: Do you wanna be Jacob or the girl? They are going to end up together and Hunter is really outgoing and protective while the girl is really shy and smart and little. I'm better with girls but it doesn't matter. If you wanna just stick with Nolan it's all good. I just thought I'd ask. one of my characters is about to die anyway. I'm gonna kill him/her off cause I;m evil like that
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: lol, um if it's okay with u i'd like 2 just concentrate on nolan at the moment cause when i have 2 characters doing stuff at once i get confused :P IC: Nolan stood up & slung his pack over his shoulder as he followed Luna. (if that's wat he's suppose 2 do) He remained silent as always & too lagging steps behind the others so he didn't end up in the middle. He kept his gaze ahead of him & avoided looking at any one directly.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
"Nolan to the front"Luna growled sounding more like a leopard. Even though she was wearing high shoes they made no sound. "You are taking everyone except Ian, Gracie, and Lyla you three come with me. Nolan take them down to the arena and work on hand to hand combat. I know you are one of the best at it and if you refuse well then you will have to deal with me and I don't think we want that do we?"she growled turning around. "Pull up dress and get moving. You have two hours till I come to check on you." With that Ian, Gracie, Lyla, and Luna disappeared into a door way in the direction of Luna's room.
Name: Hunter Topaz Gender: Male Age: 20 Desciption: Rank: Prince What type of cat are you?: Leopard Picture:
Name: Lilly (no last name as of now) Gender: female Age: 18 Desciption: Rank: Outsider What type of cat are you?: Jaguar Picture:
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan rolled his eyes abit & sighed, he did as he was instructed. He went to the arena & stretched abit, he flexed his fingers watching his claws shoot out. He quickly turned & scratched a practice dummy, the chest of the dummy was completely cut open.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
The senior guards lined up and waited for instructions.
Luna led the three through a doorway and down a tunnel. Coming to a stop she spun a dial and a door swung open. Inside the small room were knives, swords, bows, arrows, and much more all hung on the walls. Ian, Lyla, and Gracie waited for instructions. Luna loaded them up with things and told them to get ready. Ian left the small room to get ready while the other three got ready in the room. Running her fingers through her hair she layed told them the plan and then they got their swords and knives and naything else they need. Leaving she lead then to a new door.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan relaxed his hand & let his claws slide back into his fingers. He jumped into the air & punched the dummy making it's head fly off. He landed on all fours & stood up dusting himself off. He grabbed a sword & twirled it around, he swiped it at a dummy. The dummy's torso fell off of the stand.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
The senior guardians started working on the moves. After awhile most had it down pat when Luna and the other three arrived. "Nolan I'm trusting you to keep things under control here while we are gone. We should be back soon but just incase we do not return take this."she told gave him a letter and added "Do not give it to anybody, do not open it and don't let it out of your site. Do you understand?"she asked. Normally Luna wasn't strict but lately she had to be. "There is only one exception to the rules if something happens to me or Elizabeth open it and follow the directions. "
OOC: Trust me I'm not leaving you character out. Something big is about to happen.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: okay, np IC: Nolan made a slightly curious face & nodded wordlessly, he carefully put the letter in his pocket. He went back to practicing & grabbed a long stick, he started twirling around. He hit the dummy numerous times before stuffing started to fall from tears Nolan had caused.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Luna, Gracie, Lyla, and Ian hurried through the house towards the rarely used back tunnel. Elizabeth was waiting for them and she bowed to the four as they ran though the entrance.
Two figures hurried to the get on a ship that would take them from France to England. The taller of the two helped the child like figure onto the boat.
Elizabeth walked back to her chair and sat down. Looking at the ladies of the pride that had reached their limits she smiled. One of them handed her a cup of tea and they started talking like nothing was wrong.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan felt abit of sweat on his forehead, he wiped it away with the back of his hand & threw a spear at another dummy. He then grabbed his bow & arrows, he took aim at the same dummy & let the arrow fly. The arrow hit the dummy in the head.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Nolan stopped & looked at the ground as he smelled something different. He sniffed again & his head shot up. His grip on his weopons got firmer & he told the others in the arena to get to the mansion thru the tunnels. He made sure everyone got out safely before he went to the tunnel himself.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Elizabeth had gotten up from tea because had a meeting with the elders from the pride. Most people didn't know where the meeting room was because unless you were of Topaz desent or an elder you were forbidden to go in it.
Jaguars burst in the mansion along with several mixed cats and a few other ones. Several sprinted in the direction of the meeting room. Before anybody knew what was happening the elders adn Elizabeth had been slaughtered in cold blood.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan smelled blood & hurried to the mansion, he burst inside. He saw the jaguars & quickly shifted to his cougar form, he pounced at a jaguar sinking his claws into it's flank. He bit down on it's neck & swiped at it's face with his free paw.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Nolan was out numbered and he was soon taken over by the cats. A large Jaguar came out laughing and shifted back to human form "It's a shame one so beautiful had to die"he said reffering to Elizabeth.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan struggled to fight the jaguars off, he turned & saw the larger one in human form. He pounced at him with his claws ready to pierce the man's skin. He felt a jaguar tackle him & bite his leg while others scratched him deeply.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
The man laughed just out of reach. "Tell your little Luna we'll be back"he growled in his ear and then hit him in the head hard enough to knock him out. All of the cats left then and nothing was there when nolan woke up.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan blinked his eyes open abit & saw nothing but blood stains were around him. He was in his human form now with his clothes still on, he groaned feeling his head throb in pain. He had deep wounds & wasn't sure how much longer he could stay awake. He took the letter out of his pocket & opened it, he tried to get his eyes to focus so he could read it.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Dearest Nolan, If you are reading this then the worst possible thing has happened. The Craven's have invaded and I am dead. You are to gather the remains of the pride and and leave the mansion. Do not tell Luna were you are and do not travel alone unless you wish to end up like me. As for me and the others who perished tonight bury us in the pride cemetery by the river. Do not do anything special for me because I do not deserve it. Bury me with people and then leave. On the back is a map of the mansion, all the tunnels, and a map of london. If you follow the yellow path it will lead you to a safe place. You can not stay there for long but it will give you time to assemble the others. Before you leave go to my bedroom and look in my jewlery box. There you will find a small box inside is a key. Take the key and flip the jewlery box upside down and unlock the door. Every letter that we have gotten from our allies is hidden inside. They will help you now you must hurry before Luna get's back. One more thing you must get Ian back and quick. Lyla and Gracie are also with Luna do not let them know either. Take no chances and watch your back. I know this is alot but I wouldn't have given you this task if I thought you couldn't do it. Don't let me down. Elizabeth
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan swallowed & slowly pushed himself up, he quickly but respectfully buried those who died in the cemetery. He went to Elizabeth's room & opened the jewelry box, he got the key. He opened the door on the bottom of the box & took the letters. He looked at the back of the letter at the map & got the Pride members that were left in the mansion. He lead them to the safe place thru the tunnels & then went to find Ian.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Ian, Luna, Gracie, and Lylla were headed to the port were the two people were soon going to dock. Everybody know who they were except Ian.
The two figures docked and were making their way towards a stable when the tallest one Ian. He was coming towards them. "Stay" the tallest one said as he moved to the shadows. Shifting he lept on Ian and put a paw over his mouth.
Ian knew exactly who it was ans didn't draw his sword. "The others are trying to kill me and they will kill you to if you do not listen"he told him. Jacob shifted back as Gracie came towards them. Before she could yell for Luna the smaller person quickly ended her. Shifting back she came to stand beside Jacob. "This is Lilly" he told Ian helping him up. Quickly he caught Ian up and told him the plan. "Me and Lilly are going to Ipswitch were the others should be hiding."he finally said. "Go back to Luna and tell her where to find Gracie and that we killed her and got away before you could stop us. Then leave head to Ipswitch. Luna doesn't know where it is. Do not get followed"
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan went to the docks following their scents, he saw Ian, Jacob & Lilly. He quickly got to them & looked at Jacob, he bowed respectfully. "Ian...Elizabeth was the Cravens...we need a safe place.." Nolan panted, he was exhausted & loosing blood.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
"I know go with Jacob and Lilly"he said and started to help Nolan onto a horse.
"Lilly ride with Nolan"Jacob told her calmly. "I'll catch up just head towards Ipswitch. Nolan can show you the way"
The small girl got on the horse.
"But she's just a kid" Ian said.
"I happen to be older than you Ian. Just because I'm 4'8 doesn't mean I'm a kid. I'm 18 and a princess well i was until... You know what never mind. Nolan you are gonna have to lead the way because I've never been to England." Lilly said taking her cloak off and putting it around Nolan. In the moon light her beautiful blonde hair looked silver-ish and her eyes looked crystal blue. She was wearing skinny jeans and a tight red shirt under the cloak. Around her neck was a moon with a ruby in it but on her ring finger was a Topaz ring. When they left Ian turned to Jacob. "I sure hope you know wht you are doing Jake."
OOC: I jsut realized I've been calling Hunter Jacobt he whole time :p
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
OOC: lol, doesn't really matter it could be like his spy name :P IC: Nolan flinched abit when he felt cloth touch his battered body. He looked at Lilly with weak but determined eyes, he held onto the horse's reins & made sure Lilly wouldn't fall off. He lightly kicked the horse to tell it to go & it took off in the direction of Ipswitch.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Nolan noticed he was slouching abit when Lilly said that, he straightened up holding back a winced. "I'm fine, just hold on.." he said weakly.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Lilly moved her hands over his and made the horse stop "Nolan you are about to fall off the horse. Let me get in front. I think i can manage if not I'll ask"she told him. "Scoot back and let me in front"
Lyla came running up and said "Gracie is dead and Ian is gone. I think he's dead."
Ian and Jacob were racing down the back streets when they caught up with Nolan and Lilly.
"What's going on?" Ian and Jacob asked upon seeing the scene.
"What do you mean?" Lilly asked quickly moving her hands away from Nolan's and onto the reins.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan swallowed & slowly scooted back so Lilly could get infront. "I should be able to do this...I trained myself to.." he whispered & looked up at Lilly. His shoulder was cut open thru his shirt, his chest was broused & bleeding as well as the rest of him.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
"I was just switching places with Nolan don't get you panties in a wad. Also can we get a car soon because I really don't like horses"Lilly said.
"It will draw to much attention." jaocb replied cooly
"Oh yeah and people on horses won't yeah smooth"Lilly said
"She has a point plus Nolan"Ian said.
"Fine but see if you can find a car" Jacob said.
Lilly got down and then started walking away. After about three minutes she found a yellow sports car. Getting in she headed back towards the others "Wanna ride?"she asked them smiling. Opening the door she helped Nolan down and into the back seat. "Jacob front seat?"she asked walking over to him.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan grunted abit & shifted feeling intense stinging in all his wounds. He shook his head feeling light headed from bloodloss, he tried his hardest to not fall asleep. He watched Lilly, Jacob & Ian. He kept his senses alert incase any one was following them.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Nolan tried to hold still so Ian could help but he winced & flinched alot. He tightly closed his eyes & pressed his lips together painfully.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
"Nolan your are going to be alright. I have faith in you" said a voice just out of reach. "You will make it." The voice was Elizabeth's and as she spoke the words the worst of his wounds started to heal.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!
Nolan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but didn't resist. He slowly opened his eyes abit & looked at his wounds, he looked around expecting to see Elizabeth. He blinked abit & slowly leaned back in his seat, he loosely put his arm around his stomach.
Maybe is a parent's favorite word because they don't have to promise you anything. Our music isn't the same as our parents' because we learned from their mistakes. Check out my BRAND NEW site:
Jacob kissed Lily as it started to storm. Getting back on his horse they kissed once more before she hit the horse and he galloped off. Running back Lily got in the car and said "Change of plans Ian you can get in the front because I have no idea were Ipswitch is."
"What about Jake?" Ian asked
"As I said change of plans now are you going to show me how to get to Ipswitch?"she asked
"I don't know how to get there" Ian said.
"... ... ..."Lily stopped the car and turned around to look at him.
I only know how to do things three ways, the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is basically the wrong way, only faster!